Roborn uses motion control system as its core technology, together with 5G, AI, IoT, Cloud to drive and develop comprehensive robotic products and tech-development solutions. Roborn advocates Techanization, integrating modern technology into ecologies, realizing human-machine cooperation and virtual interaction to improve the ecologies’ productivity and efficiency and make human being better.


Integrate technology into an ecology and enable it to be more productive, efficient and sustainable for better human being as a prosperous cycle.

Roborn’s “Techanization”

The concept of “Techanization” is that we integrate technology into an “ecosystem” to make it grow better and prosper. The more important thing about Techanization is that the application of technology can bring benefits and make human being better, not just invent a technology and then apply it in one area.

The Roborn team shared “Techanizaiton” at Executive Development Program by The Asia-Pacific Institute of Business, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK-APIB)

The Roborn team shared “Techanization”  at  「Mini-MBA」 course co-organized by the Asia-Pacific Business Institute of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a listed group company

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【園區喜訊】數碼港培育計劃畢業生路邦科技與兩間園區企業量旋科技和微馬科技達成戰略合作協議 攜手為香港創科締造新動力

恭喜數碼港培育計劃畢業生路邦科技(路邦)於1 月 14 日分別與園區企業量旋科技 (SpinQ Technology) 和微馬科技 (VisionMatrix Technology),在數碼港首席公眾使命官陳思源工程師等人見證下,達成戰略合作協議,全力推動智慧城市建設產業互融創新進程。 數碼港培育初創量旋科技是一間專注於量子運算產業化和普惠化的一站式解決方案服務商。此次合作將進一步推動量子科技與機械自動化領域的深度融合,發揮路邦和量旋科技在技術與市場上的獨特優勢,實現強強聯合與資源互補。 與此同時,數碼港培育計劃畢業生微馬科技則為用戶提供準確、快速、低成本和可擴展的視頻搜索解決方案。路邦和微馬科技透過是次合作,將共同開拓5G智慧場景應用,包括致力於5G視訊會議機械人的研發與推廣,打造高效率且便利的會議新體驗。 數碼港樂見三間園區企業,充分利用其前沿科技優勢,引領創科潮流。未來,數碼港將繼續積極配合特區政府施政,促進園區企業創科交流,發揮協同效應,以實現發展香港成為國際創新科技中心的願景。

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