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CUHK Alumni: Mark Mak and Eden Lu Design and Produce Bionic Robots, Using Motion Sensing to Break Into the Market

The *CUHK Alumni Magazine* Issue 104 features Roborn co-founders Mark Mak and Eden Lu, who met in 2011 during their CUHK MBA studies and bonded over a shared passion for robotics. They founded Roborn to create user-centric robots, starting with bionic motion-sensing designs and later developing 5G pandemic-response robots like the PEP3000 temperature-monitoring robot and Sau Wu outdoor disinfection robot. Their innovations also include customized solutions like the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) robot.

“Huan Ting Shi Jie” of RTHK: Hong Kong Technology – UVC Disinfection Robot

Prof. Larry Poon, Co-found cum Chief Executive Officer of Roborn was interviewed on RTHK programme “Huan Ting Shi Jie”, introducing the Roborn’s UVC Disinfection Robot. He also explained how to safety use the UVC light on disinfection and sterilization in a rapid and effective way under the flexible deployment.

TVB Interview: Intelligent Home, Future Scope

Foreseeing the trend of robot entering the household, Roborn develops a series of domestic robots to cater for family members’ every need, for example, brewing coffee, accompanying family members to work or study and taking care of the elderly.

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