(Below is a translation of the article)
To prevent the epidemic from spreading, the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) liaised with innovation and technology companies for the development of technology projects for fighting the epidemic. Earlier on, a local technology company developed a mobile temperature detection robot. Once it detects a person with abnormal or higher body temperature, the robot will display a red image on the monitor and an alarm will be sent to alert management staff to take follow-up actions. EMSD has arranged to test robots of the same type at various government departments, such as the Correctional Services Department, Transport Department and Leisure and Cultural Services Department. It is hoped that these robots can be used at various government venues to reduce the work pressure of front line staff.
On his blog yesterday, the Secretary of the Development Bureau Wong Wai Lun said the novel coronavirus epidemic is serious and at present the most important task is to strengthen preventing and fighting against the epidemic. EMSD launched an anti-epidemic thematic page on their platform to reach out to innovation and technology companies for the development of new technology projects on fighting the epidemic.
Earlier on, a local technology company developed a mobile temperature detection robot. The company’s co-founder Prof. Poon Ka Yeung said he and his colleagues began working on the first day of Lunar New Year and used 15 days to produce a mobile robot that combines artificial intelligence and can provide automatic body temperature detection to replace manual operation.