
Mark Mak: Inspire Young Minds to Build Dreams and Unleash New Energy in Industries

Mark Mak, Roborn’s Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, was invited as the guest of honor and a judging panel member at the Global Robotics Challenge held at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s Hung Hom campus last Friday, the 22nd. During his presentation, Mak shared the technological advancements and projects developed by RoboTech, including the “Sau Wu ” and “ICU CARE” robots, which have been actively serving various government departments, medical institutions, and the general public. He expressed his desire to use technology to assist in improving the quality of human life. Mak also expressed gratitude to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government and the country for their support and assistance in the field of innovation and technology. He highlighted how this support has enabled numerous local startups to fully invest in research and development, commercialize their innovations, and drive diversified economic growth, allowing citizens to reap the benefits of such development.

Mark Mak mentioned that during his childhood, he didn’t have programming tools like Python or ChatGPT, but he always harbored a dream of creating robots to benefit humanity. He encourages young people to stay true to their aspirations and fully unleash their innovative thinking as they strive towards their goals. He passionately expressed, “Innovation and technology span across disciplines and industries and are one of the important sectors in Hong Kong. The youth are the future leaders and pillars of the innovation industry. They will undoubtedly contribute to the energy storage of innovation in Hong Kong and the country, unleashing new dynamics in the industry.”

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